The IELTS General Training test consists of four test parts: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Understand the test formats and learn about several question types that you can expect in different test parts. Our free practice materials can help to boost your preparation and acheive your desired IELTS score. The General Training Listening test will assess your ability to understand main ideas, detailed information, opinions, purpose and attitudes of the speakers, as well as your ability to follow the development of ideas.The reading part of the IELTS test looks at how well you can understand main ideas, details, inferences and implied meaning. It also assesses your ability to follow the development of an argument, recognise a writer’s opinion, attitudes and purpose.
The IELTS General Training Speaking test will assess your use of spoken English. All speaking tests are conducted face-to-face with a certified IELTS examiner and are recorded in case they need to be reviewed. The General Training Writing test is made up of two tasks, Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2. The topics in each task are of general interest.

IELTS Reading (60 minutes)
Three reading passages with 40 questions
Section 1 contains 2-3 short factual texts
Section 2 contains 2 short factual, work-related texts
Section 3 contains a long text on a topic of general interest
Texts are taken from company handbooks, official documents, books and newspapers.
IELTS Writing (60 minutes)
TASK 1- Write a formal/semi-formal/informal letter (at least 150 words)
TASK 2- Writes a short essay (at least 150 words)
IELTS Speaking (11-14 minutes)
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